
I'm going to Yale and majoring in "social awareness." Oh wait, they don't have that?

1. "What year was Yale founded?"- Shouldn't that have already been included in the typical Yale information session?
2. There are a lot of students there without their parents. This is incredibly unlikely.
3. The girl in the back needs to show more initiative and sit closer to the speaker. True story. Someone isn't getting into Yale, and she's wearing a red dress.
4. The "audience" is extremely into the music. Don't you always bob your head and smile when your college visit presenter starts singing?
5. Dancing award for 2010 goes to the sweet moves displayed at 2:04.
6. Creepiest singing eyes award also goes to this section of the video.
7. "When someone starts talking in the middle of a song, you know it's serious." -Elvis Costello, "Kidney Now!" (30 Rock)
8. I don't care if you go to Yale, can you call it something else besides a "buttery?" I tried to google this, and the only things that came up were recipes for Buttery Nipples.
9. I keep hearing echoes of "Proud to be an American." Is that just me?
10. "They live with us and eat with us and everything between." --Make your own joke.

I don't want to ruin the rest of the video for you. Just get excited for singing chemistry researchers, and a guy who seems to be lost in an art museum.


STA World Traveler Internship 2010

I'm applying for an internship that takes two college students around the world all summer to blog about/post/share their experiences (aka... the perfect job for me)! Check out my application:


Meredith Viera... the ULTIMATE Cougar

Seriously. You guys know how much I love cougars. And this is a full-blown COUGAR ATTACK!


Happy Valentine's Day!

I searched and searched for a Valentine's Day video to post today. I failed... but then got to facebook and there was one in my live feed! YESSSS!


But where's Uncle Jesse?

Sometimes, you just find something on YouTube that makes you smile. With an orange in your mouth.


Tweet? Twit? Twoot? Twut? Twat?

Okay, so I gotta admit... my hiatus is inexcusable. As pointed out by Kat[erina], WFLN is looking so sad lately.

It's probably because Twitter is so much easier to update... I can update Twitter anywhere. It makes my world into my own little Mystery Science Theater.