
Dreams and Inception

It finally happened. I had my first auxiliares dream. For some reason, all of the language assistants and I were at the Spanish Consolate (the fancier version that I had in my head before going to Chicago, not the doctor's waiting room that it actually was), and we had to turn in our visa paperwork. No big deal, right?

So I turn in my stuff, and am notified that my visa has been rejected. REJECTED? Then I find out that there's really nothing I can do, but I can apply in a week, or else I'll be deported. Great. Then I woke up.

I haven't been able to sleep since seeing Inception. Maybe this isn't a causal relationship between the movie and my insomnia, but I like to think that it is. I've been tossing and turning all night. I also leave the TV on, which I feel is something that I should ween myself off of before Spain, because I'm 99.9% sure that I won't have a TV in my room.

It's only been two weeks since my Visa appointment, but it seems like it's been AGES. I just want to get my passport back in my hands and be ready to go.

I've been researching places in Madrid to go (non-touristy places; I've sort of already done that), but I'm mentally preparing myself for at least a month of boredom (I should put my Barnes and Noble gift cards to good use before I go... maybe tackle the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy when I get to Madrid?).

Cat--- thanks for the sidereel.com link. I have a feeling I'll be using it more than an expat should!

1 comment:

  1. I feel like with all this stress with all the prep work, it's no wonder you're having nightmares! But soon enough I suppose we'll be there!

    Also- I highly recommend the Girl w/the Dragon Tattoo trilogy, very good. I couldn't put them down!
